The Hypocrisy of Love: Why We Cherish Dogs and Cats but Ignore Pigs

A dog is abandoned on the side of the road, left to fend for himself. A cat is locked in a tiny cage, unable to move, waiting for her fate. The public outrage would be swift. News stories would circulate, petitions would be signed, and animal welfare groups would step in to save them.

Now, imagine the same scenario…but this time, it’s a pig.

No headlines. No petitions. No collective outcry. Just silence.

Who Decides Which Animals Deserve Love?

As a society, we’ve drawn a line. On one side, we place dogs and cats, animals we see as companions, worthy of care, respect, and legal protections. On the other side, we place pigs, cows, and chickens…animals bred, confined, and killed by the billions without a second thought.

But why?

Pigs are just as intelligent as dogs. They form deep social bonds, learn tricks, recognize their names, and even dream. Yet, instead of seeing them as individuals, we reduce them to a product. A slab of bacon, a pork chop, a commodity measured by weight and price per pound.

The hypocrisy is glaring.

The Science We Choose to Ignore

Decades of research confirm what many animal advocates have known for years, pigs feel joy, fear, and suffering just as vividly as the pets curled up on our couches.

  • Pigs can solve puzzles, play video games, and outperform dogs on cognitive tests.

  • They communicate using a complex range of vocalizations, each with a specific meaning.

  • Mother pigs sing to their piglets while nursing, forming strong emotional bonds.

  • They show empathy, comforting distressed members of their group.

Yet, these same creatures are packed into factory farms, denied sunlight, socialization, and even the space to turn around. When dogs are subjected to similar conditions (like in puppy mills) the public calls it abuse. When pigs endure it, it’s called “standard practice.”

The Emotional Disconnection

The disconnect isn’t accidental. It’s reinforced from childhood.

We grow up surrounded by cartoon farm animals, led to believe that pigs live happy, mud-filled lives. Meanwhile, dogs and cats are presented as part of the family, sentient beings deserving of affection and protection. The language we use further separates them.

  • We "rescue" dogs, but we "process" pigs.

  • A dog's body is "laid to rest," but a pig's body is "harvested."

  • When a cat is abused, we call it cruelty. When a pig is castrated without pain relief, we call it "industry standard."

The contradiction is not just cultural, it’s written into law. Animal cruelty laws protect dogs and cats, while exemptions for "livestock" allow the very same abuses to happen behind closed doors.

What If We Applied the Same Compassion?

Imagine, just for a moment, if we treated pigs the way we treat dogs.

  • Instead of gestation crates, they’d have warm beds, belly rubs, and room to roam.

  • Instead of being sent to slaughter, they’d be adopted into loving homes or sanctuaries.

  • Instead of being overlooked, they’d be recognized for who they are…thinking, feeling, deeply emotional beings.

This isn’t a fantasy. It’s already happening in pockets of the world. Sanctuaries rescue pigs from factory farms, giving them lives that mirror those of pet dogs. People who once saw pigs as food are now sharing their homes with them, learning firsthand how affectionate and intelligent they are.

The reality is, pigs were never meant to be commodities. They were never meant to be confined, killed, or turned into a breakfast side dish. That was a decision we made. And it’s a decision we can unmake.

Choosing Consistency Over Convenience

The hypocrisy of our relationship with animals isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s a choice we make every day.

Every meal is a decision. Every grocery store trip is a moment to align our actions with our values. If we believe in kindness, if we value fairness, if we reject unnecessary suffering, then we have to ask ourselves: Why does our compassion stop where our habits begin?

Dogs and pigs are not different in the ways that matter. The only difference is how we choose to see them.

It’s time to change that.


Beyond the Cage: 3 Alternatives to Animal Captivity That Are Changing the Game


Pigs Are More Intelligent Than You Think. So Why Do We Treat Them Like They’re Not?